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Let's talk about ways you can affordably and effectively promote your music videos so you can reach the next level of stardom by following these ten weird tricks that your boss will hate!

You've spent your band's hard earned merch cash to afford to produce a music video. You've received the video from the production company and it looks amazing! Now all that's left is to upload it to Youtube and wait for the record labels to start calling. Right?

I wish it were that easy. To make the most of your music video, it takes time, effort and a little bit of paid promotion doesn't hurt.

  1. Utilize Social Media Platforms
    Leverage the power of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok to share teasers, behind-the-scenes footage and sneak peeks of your music video. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

    However, one strategy that works for some is a surprise attack; by way of dropping the video without any teasers but heavily promote the video at the time the video drops.

  2. Collaborate with Influencers
    Identify influencers or content creators whose audience aligns with your target demographic. Collaborate with them to feature your music video on their channels or create promotional content together. Their endorsement can significantly expand your reach and credibility. Search for video reviewers who review your video with real-time reactions such as Readbeard the Hippy's Youtube channel ;)

  3. Optimize YouTube SEO
    YouTube is the go-to platform for music videos. Optimize your video's title, description and tags with relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search results. Encourage viewers to like, comment and share your video to boost its algorithmic ranking.

    I can't say this enough - make sure you have an engaging thumbnail image! Don't use the auto-generated thumbnail. Typically, the music video producer will share a variety of still images from your video to use for this purpose.

  4. Cross-Promote with Other Artists
    Collaborate with other artists in your genre to cross-promote each other's music videos. This allows you to tap into each other's fan bases and introduce your music to new audiences. Consider featuring each other in cameo appearances or co-hosting live events.

  5. Submit to Music Blogs and Websites
    Research music blogs, online magazines and websites that feature new music videos. Submit your video for consideration and if selected, it can provide valuable exposure to their readership. Additionally, consider reaching out to music influencers for potential features or reviews. A great magazine that covers bands around the Kansas area to check out is

  6. Host Virtual Premiere Events
    Create anticipation for your music video by hosting virtual premiere events on platforms like YouTube or Facebook Live. Build excitement by teasing exclusive content and interacting with fans during the premiere. Encourage viewers to share the premiere link with their networks.

  7. Run Paid Advertising Campaigns
    Invest in targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms and streaming services to reach specific demographics or regions. Set clear objectives for your campaign, whether it's increasing views, engagement, or driving traffic to your website or streaming platforms. Facebook for example, allows you to specify interest in a particular genre of music.

  8. Engage with Online Communities
    Join online communities and forums relevant to your music genre or target audience. Engage in meaningful conversations, share updates about your music video and seek feedback from community members. Building genuine connections can lead to organic promotion through word-of-mouth. Reddit has a slew of specific subreddit pages that is sure to match any band's genre - and don't be afraid to post in multiple subreddit pages.

  9. Create Behind-the-Scenes Content
    Offer fans a glimpse into the creative process by sharing behind-the-scenes content, such as making-of videos, rehearsals, or director's commentary. Humanizing the production process can foster a deeper connection with your audience and generate buzz around your music video. Be prepared to hire a photographer and/or videographer to capture these scenes. Often you can negotiate with the filmmaker to split those costs since behind the scenes media is in both party's interest.

  10. Encourage User-Generated Content
    Encourage fans to create and share their own content inspired by your music video. Host contests or challenges where participants can submit their videos or covers for a chance to be featured on your social media channels. User-generated content not only promotes your video but also fosters a sense of community among your fans.


Promoting your music video requires a multi-faceted approach that leverages various online platforms, collaborations and creative strategies. By implementing these ten effective promotion strategies, you can increase visibility, engagement and ultimately, the success of your music video in today's competitive landscape.

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