Daniel Scott Films
Project Date 2022/06
Client Terran Severance (band)
Credits Director: Daniel Murphy
Production Assistant: Matthew Atkins

The Terran Severance music video titled Mabus was my first non-live music video ever shot. This was one of those projects where everyone involved learned how difficult making a music video is.

The project began with two of my tungsten lights failing, then having to resolve to a single Godox SL60 light and a couple of pocket RGB lights. Thankfully the setting passed off pretty well in darkness, giving it a Stanley Kubrick low light candle lit look - but I am in now way comparing this to Kubrick-level quality. Nobody on set had any idea that shooting this would require half the people there to stay until 3am. Well, I kinda knew but I didn't want to scare anyone away from the production. This was the result of trying to save money on another day of booking the venue. But we survived and are all proud how this came out despite all the obstacles.

Highlight Reel 2024

Daniel Scott Films

I've had the pleasure of working with so many talented artists over the past few years. This reel is a testament to the friendships made and the great times we've had together. Here's to creating together in 2024. Cheers!

bus station wichita

Let's Create Together
